Dans på bio – Story Board P & Raised by Krump


Måndag 28 Oktober

Fotograf: Press

Dans på bioduken!

Två dans-dokumentärer:

Story Board P – A stranger in SwedenStoryboard P. glides smoothly through the snow, carving shapes with his slender limbs. Though he has been sleeping rough in Stockholm for a while now, he is still flush with self-belief. Will the talantes dancer finally get his break? Director Matt D’Arcy chronicles Storyboard’s early steps towards international stardom.

Raised by KrumpA visuallu splendid short documentary explores how the Compton/South Central-born dance movement called Krumping has helped the lives and emotions of some of area’s most influential and prolific dancers.

En del av Malmö Dance Week.

Längd: Kl. 17.30 – 20.00

Pris: 135 kr.

Datum & tider

Datum Tid Ort Plats Länk
Måndag 28 Oktober 17:30 Malmö Biograf Spegeln, Stortorget Biljetter
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