Work-in-progress MOPA The Last Stand – Pontus Petterson


Fredag 21 April

Fotograf: Pontus Petterson

Milvus Artistic Research Center (MARC) invites you to attend a work-in-progress showing of MOPA – The Last Stand

Pontus Pettersson is back at MARC with his project MOPA – The Last Stand, the third and final part of the MOPA trilogy. In this work, Pontus returns to the classic choreographic tools, time and space, while his cat and water practice is ordered to displace stories, bodies and choreographic content. If it’s haunting, it’s Birgit Åkesson’s thoughts on dance, where Åkesson asserts the importance of form before content.

The work has its premiere at MDT in Stockholm in December. At MARC, Pontus will share the early stages of its creation with music by the composer Hara Alonso.

Light refreshments will be served.

The event is free and no reservations are required.

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Datum & tider

Datum Tid Ort Plats Länk
Fredag 21 April 18:00 Knislinge Milvus Artistic Research Center
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