Shout – Jens Trinidad


Tisdag 31 Oktober


In “Shout” Jens Trinidad is discovering and rediscovering the body’s affect through sound, vibration and frequencies. Together with Marcus Amadeus, a musician and composer, they create the soundscape through their bodies by channeling, chanting and scatting. The skin, flesh and the spirit activates, breathes, grows, twists, spreads and manifests before releasing energy and forces into the space. The notion is to transform into the soundscape and shape the body while perceiving and listen to the listening through reminiscing, rituals, ´dance-offs´ and ‘praise-breaks’.

They will be sharing their process from a two-week rehearsal period and will be premiering on November 16th in Oslo, Norway.

With this ticket you will be able to watch the performance and then enjoy a rich vegan soup followed by coffee and cake with the artist.


Datum & tider

Datum Tid Ort Plats Länk
Tisdag 31 Oktober 12:00 Malmö Bastionen Biljetter
Till Biljettförmedling Läs mer hos arrangören
