Spring Opening : Perverting And Recycling Dance History – Dance is Ancient


Fredag 12 April

Fotograf: Thomas Zamolo

A 3-in-1 night: Cinema + Talk + Dance Workshop around Frédéric Gies’ celebrated Queens of the Fauns (2019).

(…) the strength of ”Queens of the fauns” is that it shows how, not just bodies and their appearance, but also choreography itself, can break with and create new structures of desires. ”Queens of the fauns” is not a modernized version of Nijinsky’s masterpiece, but uses it as historical material, to investigate what is physically possible today when the question of sexual conquest, more than a hundred years later, looks very different from the time of Nijinsky. / Josefine Wikström, Dagens Nyheter (Translated from Swedish) (about Queen of the Fauns at Skogen, 2019)

Followed by a discussion with the artist.

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Datum & tider

Datum Tid Ort Plats Länk
Fredag 12 April 19:00 Malmö Ungdomens hus, festsalen Biljetter
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