Slit Show – Karis Zidore


Torsdag 20 Juni

In Slit Show Karis Zidore investigates revealing and stripping as expanded formats. Through removal of clothing, erratic moaning and deep opera singing Karis exposes inner states in the spotlight. Somewhere between erotics and entries, maskings and unmasking, sensing and exhibiting, a sincere show reveals itself from the curtains.

Slit Show cuts through the masquerade of the exterior and slides along the slits to the interior. It’s a dance for a theater and an open mouth. A tease for the space between curtains and coming. An inner song longing to be shown.

Who’s that slit? It’s the girl with no door on her mouth!

Slit Show will premiere at Dansehallerne in Copenhagen in October 2024. During her three weeks of research at MARC Karis has used the focused time to dive into the sensory and embodied aspects of the work: the inner sensed practices of the seemingly hyper-aware and staged materials. At MARC she has been working with her outside eye/sparring partner Emilie Gregersen and dramaturg Ofelia Jarl Ortega.

After the showing there will be an informal feedback session where you are welcome to share your experience or simply listen.

Free entrance

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Datum Tid Ort Plats Länk
Torsdag 20 Juni 17:00 Knislinge Milvus Artistic Research Center (MARC)
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